Another assault and death threat

Yesterday two men armed with pistols stole me and tried to kill me if I continue publishing and denouncing «against the government» (in their words). They stole my cell phone and a power bank.

On May 12, 2020, also after starting to publish reports of abuses committed by the government, an armed guy stole my cell phone. Some months later, a girl donated a cell phone to me and thus I continued my work as a human rights defender.

For two months I have been suffering extreme harassment by the Guadalajara police. A few weeks ago they beat me. And my reports and complaints have not been taken into account by the authorities.

In Mexico I have seen that all authorities, both at the state and federal level, are extremely corrupt and against any real attempt to achieve justice, including of course the State and National Human Rights Commissions. This problem in Mexico is the same as in many other countries in the world, and it can only be solved with the participation of external bodies, which must be created. The UN, and any other current supposed human rights organization are totally inappropriate for it, because their purposes are not really what they claim to be.

My only hope of continuing in this fight, and in any other thing, is to get help to get out of Mexico.

For this I need USD$3,000. If you can help by donating to me, here is the link for it. Any help will be greatly appreciated and without revealing any donor’s  name.

If you find any problem in this process, please contact me at

Thank you


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